Infant Toddler Care Workshops
Nanny, Family, Friend, and Neighbor Caregivers

TIFFAN and WestEd/PITC are teaming up to offer a FREE Infant Toddler Care Workshop Series to Nanny, Family, Friend, and Neighbor childcare providers. Workshops are online, offerred in English or Spanish, one Saturday monthly, starting September 28, 2023 through June 15, 2024.

Classes are limited so sign up NOW!

Infant Toddler Care Workshops

Session 1: September 30, 2023 Understanding Infant-Toddler Development

Session 2: October 28, 2023 Early Brain Development and Responsive Relationships

Session 3: November 18, 2023 Supporting Social-Emotional Development

Session 4: December 16, 2023 Developmentally Appropriate Guidance and Discipline

Session 5: January 20, 2024. Supporting Cognitive Development

Session 6: February 24, 2024 Supporting Language Development

Session 7: March 23, 2024. Supporting Perceptual and Motor Development

Session 8: April 27, 2024. Creating Partnerships with Parents

Session 9: May 18, 2024. Providing Culturally Responsive Care

Session 10: June 15, 2024. Reflective Practice, Self-Awareness, and Self-Care

We can't wait to see you there!

Sign up now for FREE Infant Toddler Care Workshops!

Sign up today, and make sure you don't miss out!

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